2024 Family Learning Awards

By Campaign for Learning

At the end of April, we celebrated our winners in the Family Learning Awards across four categories. 

Running these awards each year is always a joyful, fascinating and heartening process where we get to witness the variety of family learning taking place across the UK. All applications showed a range of excellent projects and shortlisting was tight with so many making tangible differences in families' lives. 

After weeks of winnowing to shortlist and then picking the final winners, we are proud to be able to present you with the purposeful, needs-led and high-quality family learning cultures at both the delivery and strategic levels. We hope these winners inspire you in your practice and give you food for thought.  All case studies are available for you to read here

This year's winners presented an array of projects across the categories of Early Years, Innovation, Health and Well-being and STEM Education. Programmes ranged from engaging male family members in learning, to those promoting wellbeing, enhancing reading skills, and fostering digital and STEM education; there was plenty to learn from and aspire to.

Early Years

Lancashire County Council's 'Little Steps' initiative took the Early Years award. Targeting 2–5-year-olds and their families, this program encourages early reading and activities rooted in communication and wellbeing. By aligning activities with the Early Years Foundation Stage's seven areas of learning, 'Little Steps' aims to lay a robust foundation for lifelong learning. 

Julie Bell, Head of Cultural Services, said “We are delighted to have won the Award for Family Learning in the Early Years. It is rewarding to be recognised by these Awards that are celebrating impactful work making a real difference to families, as that is at the heart of our Little Steps scheme.”

Innovation in Family Learning

Abercromby Primary School's 'Paternal Play' program, the Innovation winner, was designed to involve more male family members in children's learning. From boxing and archery to cooking and coding, the program offered a range of activities aimed at breaking down barriers to male participation. Emma Craig, Principal Teacher, and Lindsay Patterson, Family Support Worker, shared their delight in receiving the award, highlighting its transformative impact on school community dynamics and familial relationships.

Health and Wellbeing

Worcestershire County Council's family learning suite won the Health and Wellbeing award, offering family learning courses supporting parental needs, mental health and creating entry points for newcomers to learning. From promoting healthy eating to fostering resilience and self-concept, the initiative provided parents ways of enhancing various aspects of theirs and their family’s lives. Success stories include improvements in social life, communication skills, and overall wellness, alongside career advancements and skill acquisition.

STEM Education

Finally, Norfolk Libraries' Digifest 2023 won in STEM Education for its comprehensive roster of free digital and STEM events for families. Recognizing digital access and motivation as key issues, Norfolk Libraries sought to create an inclusive and engaging festival experience. By aligning sessions with national curriculum and existing library programs, the festival not only inspired attendees but also bolstered confidence in technology.

To explore the stories behind these projects and learn more about the award winners and shortlisted organisations, visit here.